Technical Committee

Technical committee

Members of the technical committee

-Deputy of Quality Assessment of Iran National Standards Organization (Secretary of the Policymaking Council and Head of the Technical Committee)

-General Director of the Quality Assessment Office (Secretary of the Committee)

-Representatives of the ministries/organizations that are members of the Supreme Standard Council at the level of the General Director

-The secretary of the steering committee of the administrative bodies or the representative of the executive body

-Two faculty members in the field of quality

-Two assessors of the Iran National Quality Award

-Three experts from scientific and professional associations and organizations in the field of quality

-Three managers or senior experts of the Iran National Standards Organization

-Secretary of Iran National Quality Award Assessment Working Group Secretary of the Education Working Group of Iran National Quality Award

Duties of the technical committee

-Revising the design of the award model and its revisions and proposing to the Policymaking Council for final approval

-Providing opinions of experts and advisories regarding the implementation process of the award   

-Provide a solution to solve possible problems during the implementation process

-Reviewing the proposed amendment to the regulations by the award secretariat and presenting technical and expert opinions

-Reviewing modifications and revisions, determining the primary evaluation criteria, sub-criteria, and their scores in the award evaluation model

-Determining the maximum number of points for each award level

-Determining the criteria and process for qualifying and selecting the quality assessment executive manager of the executive bodies and award executive management

-Determining the criteria and procedure for confirming the qualification and selecting assessors, senior assessors, and award trainers and approving, revising, and updating the relevant guidelines

-Approving criteria and implementation procedures for assessing applicants at different levels and reviewing policies

-Monitoring the transparency of the assessment process of the award applicants according to the criteria and procedures approved by the committee

-Reviewing and validating the final report of the assessment

-Reviewing and approving the performance report of each award period to be submitted to the Policymaking Council

-Reviewing the performance of the past period and the qualification of the award executive manager and quality assessment executive manager of executives bodies and presenting improvement and promotion proposals to the Policymaking Council for approval

-Handling complaints and making final decisions regarding corruption by assessors, senior assessors, and trainers

-Reviewing the registration fee for different levels of the award.

The standard research institute as the most important research and research authority of the standardization system in the country as well as the bridge between the centers of production and application of science, with the aim of completing the scientific chain and gaining national trust in products and services, is seeking to create the appropriate and appropriate context. Acquiring the necessary tools, while guiding the universities and research centers to meeting the scientific requirements of standardization, underpins the "transformation of scientific findings into standards" and "development of research-based standards" in order to introduce and transfer scientific advances to industries, service centers and ultimately at the level. Society provides. There are 4 research institutes, 15 research groups, 2 virtual research groups and more than 110 specialized laboratories in the standard research institute, providing the necessary background for research.
Central office address: Tehran - southern side of Vanak Square - Sixth Floor
Phone: 5-88879461-021
Fax: 88887080-021
Head office: Karaj - Industrial City - Standard Square - National Organization Iran Standard - Standard Research Institute
Telephone Center: 8-32806031-026